+27 (0) 82 321 6991 [email protected]

Covid19 has forced fundamental changes on a global front. Our lives have been suddenly and unexpectedly disrupted and changed forever. This pandemic will be one of the most fundamental change agents that the world has ever experienced, and it will also be one of largest crises that we will overcome.  

NVNT recognises that the landscape has changed forever in ways that none of us fully understand yet. We are not looking for ways to adapt to a “new normal”; instead, we are developing solutions to assist clients to establish their organisations to be renewed, resilient and relevant. NVNT is there to help you find your signal in the noise. 

NVNT has developed a framework to identify both the immediate and longer-term issues that debilitate organisations and guided response plans and roadmaps to leverage your biggest assets as a springboard for success in the new environment. The “Core Risk Analysis and Response Plan” focuses attention on what matters most in the immediate context, with optimised processes to obtain sustainable relevance in this unchartered landscape. 

The following main areas are included in the Core Risk Analysis and Response Plan, but every organisation will require their own specific fit-for-purpose plan and roadmap:

Figure 1: Scope of the NVNT Risk Analysis and Response Offering

These areas form part of the Enterprise Dependency Model, which is a graphical illustration of the interdependent domains that are part of the organisation. It is almost impossible to effect change in one specific domain, without the ripple effects spreading to the other domains of the organisation. Knowing the effect of a specific change on the other organisational domains, allow for pre-emptive risk mitigation.

Figure 2: Enterprise Dependency Model 

We identify immediate impact measures by pinpointing steps today to regain income, stem costs, improve profits and redesign effective policies whilst sustaining business critical services.   We lead discussions across human capital, finances, technology, security, compliance, and logistics.  Each of these aspects are considered for risk and potential response strategies which would have a positive impact on the business continuity and sustainability. 

This sets the foundation for operational models that help embrace a successful navigation through the crisis and transformation into the post-pandemic era. Armed with the strategic direction required and assisted by a counsel of experts in the NVNT consulting team, our clients can protect their investment and clear the way to a more certain, resilient future.  

Our team of custom-selected subject matter experts will design and help you to implement a detailed framework that will enable you to achieve the following:   

  • Regain income and profitability 
  • Optimise costs in line with redefined processes 
  • Comfort over compliance and assurance measurements and reporting 
  • Protected assets 
  • Human 
  • Technology 
  • IP 
  • A plan (roadmap to survive and thrive) 

The process: 

Our typical process consists of a 30-minute meeting to introduce the NVNT capabilities and team and to understand your immediate risks and concerns. 

This is followed by a 1 to 2 hour meeting to get towards a deeper understanding of the immediate, short-term and longer-term needs of your organisation and start to formulate a holistic view of the strengths within your organisation that can be leveraged to provide fit-for-purpose solutions.  

Depending on the specific requirements, an immediate response will then be scoped to address the immediate and most pressing constraints in your organisation, as well as medium to longer term strategies and roadmaps to become more resilient and relevant for a sustainable future.