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Pause, rethink and unlearn

As shared in a Knowledge@Wharton article, a few years ago an internationally recognised thought leader in management and workplace dynamics proposed the following to a group of Fortune 500 CEOs: ‘We already have good evidence that as long as people are in the office...

Trend-awareness, Covid 19 and beyond

Today, much more so than in the past, no business can afford to narrowly focus only on its day-to-day operations, competitors and more immediate stakeholders. It is not only the leadership of multinational corporations who need to invest time and effort to understand...

Make innovations a daily habit

‘Innovation’ is one of the buzzwords in business in recent times. The reason for it is the accelerated pace of new innovations and the pressure not to fall behind as these innovations take the markets over. Ray Kurzweil stated that since the beginning...

Organisational transformation in 2023

Change is constant, but there are different levels of change within an organisation. Change management principles and techniques are not sufficient when it comes to transformational projects. Change management means implementing finite initiatives, which may or may...
We don’t need a clock – we need a compass

We don’t need a clock – we need a compass

If the challenges for business organisations were complex before the Covid-19 pandemic, then it has certainly become much more so since. Finding the signal in the noise is not easy, but all-important. In times like this, we can easily be like a rabbit caught in the...